Viking Line Grace, From Turku Harbour
Sat 12th – Sun 13th October 2024, departure at 20.55 o’clock
Talks from the industry
Networking & opportunities
Small CTF
Talks will be on Sunday between 10-14 o’clock.
Talks will be 45min each, max 6 talks. All speakers will receive regular level tickets to Disarray.
If you want to give a talk, send your proposal to the disarray@turkusec.fi by 23.59 o’clock of 30th of July.
Late admissions will be considered ONLY if there aren’t enough of submissions by deadline
Flash Talks: Opportunity to have a flash talk between 16-17.30 o’clock on Sunday. Anyone with a Disarray ticket can give one..
Rule 1: Chatham house rule
Rule 2: Talks must be TLP: Green or TLP:White
Rule 3: Respect privacy
Rule 4: Be nice
– Q: If I am boarding from stockholm can i still attend the event?
–> A: Participants who purchase the “Conference only” ticket are responsible for their own boarding passes
– q: Can I have buffet and conference without the bed in a shared cabin?
–> a: no, you can only have all 3 or just conference access